Seattle-Style Hot Dog Explained

Before Seattle invented this type of hot dog, no one would ever think of using cream cheese on a hot dog. The idea was considered bizarre, but it all changed in the late 80s. If you have never heard of the Seattle-style hot dog, you are missing out. 

Here is everything you need to know about the hot dog and its history. 

What Is A Seattle-Style Hot Dog? 

Simply put, a Seattle-style hot dog includes onions and cream cheese. While many people on the East Coast use kraut and mustard, Seattle gets its signature taste from onions and cream cheese. Yes, it might sound bizarre, but you will not know what we are talking about unless you try it. 

So, how did it come about, and who was the person that came up with this crazy yet phenomenal food combination? Let's find out. 

The Man Behind The Seattle Hot Dog 

The Seattle hot dog came into existence in 1988. A man named Hadley Longe pioneered this idea, and everyone fell in love with it. Longe was a bagel man as he owned a bagel cart and store. 

However, Longe was from the Midwest, and the people in Pioneer Square did not reciprocate his love for bagels. The people of the Square said they wanted hot dogs, and Longe refused to do that because he loved bagels. So, instead of using a traditional bun, he put a hot dog on the bialy, and that is when the idea started. 

It only took a day for this combination to become phenomenal. People loved the hot dog with cream cheese, and the bagel people in the area were shocked. Longe was selling these hot dogs like crazy, and everyone came to his stand. 

However, other people did not want to use bialy for their hot dogs. That is why they took the idea from Longe and used regular hot dog buns. In this way, the Seattle hot dog was born, and people love it to this day. 

The Fame Of The Seattle Dog 

Locals, tourists, and people from all walks of life came to Pioneer Square for the Seattle hot dog. The fame rose quickly as many people that tried this hot dog took this idea back to their home cities. Soon, the hot dog became famous beyond Seattle. 

The hot dog was mentioned for the first time in print by The Stranger. The print mentioned how repulsive this idea seemed, but it tasted phenomenal. Since then, many people have come with their own variations, but the Seattle hot dog remains a classic and will always stay that way. 

Final Words 

That is everything you need to know about the Seattle hot dog. They are delicious, and they became a trend overnight. If you love hot dogs and are looking for hot dogs catering in Seattle, you should look no further. 

We do all kinds of events, and our hot dogs will blow your mind away. For more information, feel free to contact us now. 


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